Monday, April 4, 2016

THEORY; SUB-PRINCIPLE: Reflexive action (Procedural Memory actually)

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

It is about training and practicing a few options toward an instinctive reactive level, reflexive action. It breaks down to encoding the brain so that the type of actions and reactions are separated from the conscious and driven by the procedural memory, not instinct. Instincts are a type of set unconscious actions of the human survival system. Even tho we might assume “Survival System” involves this procedural memory function, it does not. Our training and practice when related to instinctual survival actions make the encoding of procedural memory more effective. Our trained reflexes depend on the type of training and practices that encode procedural memory.

As a side note it should become apparent to the reader that the old meme or quote about mind and no mind this is that separation of the conscious from the procedural memory. 

It is about taking the few (think principle-based multiple methodology defenses, etc.), doing them in a variety of ways and in one distinct group of methodologies that are encoded into the sub-conscious lizard brain, specifically procedural memory.

It takes more than mere repetitive practices. Repetitive practice alone will not cause the encoding so that they will come up unconsciously when attacked. It is about using a method of training and practice that involved “Operant Conditioning and Adrenal Stress-conditioned Reality-based” so that you can have/develop an automatic, reflex-level-like, response to an attack, especially when that attack comes as a surprise, under fear and violent. It is about training when blitzed along with the chemical cocktail effects. It is that ability to apply in that instant, single second moment, your methodologies for defense so that you can overcome the OODA loop, you can actually bypass the OO bounce and that will cause your adversary to drop back into his OODA loop. 

We need to exercise care in choosing methodologies over technique based strategies so that we condition ourselves to apply in such a manner and in such violent situations because unlearning bad techniques will take twice as long a learning methodologies correctly the first time. Practice and train only those chosen methodologies that will actually work and benefit you in regard to defensive action. It is training carefully thought-out methodology motions that will be encoded into our procedural memory or what some refer to as our lizard brains. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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